Congratulations, soldier! You have made it to week five, the end of the White phase of Basic Combat Training. You've spent the last two weeks in basic rifle marksmanship training, learning how to maintain a tight grouping (employing the basic skill of marksmanship to ensure all rounds hit in a small target area - tight shoot group) in both simulation and live fire training. You've zeroed and certified your weapon, and now it's time to prove your skills on the firing range and earn your rifle qualification badge. Successfully qualifying with the M16A2 rifle will make you the most feared combat system on the planet: a U.S. Army Infantryman. Qualifying 'Expert' will allow you the opportunity to attend Sniper School. Failure will give you the coveted opportunity to enjoy weeks three and four of Basic Combat Training one more time. Task: Qualify with the M16A2 rifle. Conditions: Qualification occurs under combat conditions with unlimited visibility. Forty pop-up silhouette targets will be presented randomly at ranges from 50m to 300m, and you will have forty rounds of ammunition. You will engage these targets from both a fighting position and from the prone position. You will be given the opportunity to practice in both of these positions before qualification begins. Standards: In a combat condition, while being presented with 40 targets, engage and hit 36 targets to qualify for Expert Marksman, 30 for Sharpshooter, or a minimum of 23 to qualify as Marksman.